WHO: Edward Elric [ohshitnotmilk], Alphonse Elric [armored_alchemy], Winry Rockbell [wrenchly] WHAT: Ed's nightmare. WHERE: A random back alley. WHEN: The middle of the night.
WHO: Reese/notan_idiot and Impulse/Bart/speedintraining WHAT: NO REALLY I'M A SUPERHERO. also, quicklog. WHERE: Where ever Impulse finds him? WHEN: Just after this.
WHO: Edward Elric [ohshitnotmilk], Winry Rockbell [wrenchly] and Alphonse Elric [armored_alchemy] WHAT: Bonding? Lmao. Also known as Chaos and a destroyed living room. WHERE: Elric living room. WHEN: Eveningish. Quicklogging won the coin toss.
WHO: Edward Elric [ohshitnotmilk], Alphonse Elric [armored_alchemy], Ba'ast [piratebaast] and one unconscious Winry Rockbell [wrenchly]. WHAT: Edward and Winry found themselves in a sticky situation and we all know Ed -- it went downhill from there. WHERE: Outskirts of the forest. WHEN: Late afternoon.
WHO: Zero (zer0_restraint), Winry (wrenchly), and Megaman (bluebomberman), open to whoever wants to wander in! WHAT: Game Night! WHERE: Winry's house(?) WHEN: The night after this log.
WHO: Edward Elric [ohshitnotmilk], Alphonse Elric armored_alchemy, Winry Rockbell [wrenchly]. Open to FMA cast. WHAT: Looking for ingredients to the werecurse -- And, well, discovering more then that. WHERE: The beach. WHEN: Today, afternoon.
WHO: Winry wrenchly, Zero zer0_restraint WHAT: Zero has gotten himself hurt; Winry comes to get him back on his feet. WHERE: A back alley away from the main fight with the plants. WHEN: er, today.
WHO: Roy Mustang [miniskirtking] & Ed [ohshitnotmilk]; along with Winry and Al. WHAT: Roy's taking care of sick!Ed WHERE: Elric household WHEN: Day 200; around noonish